How to Write Content That Gets You More Engagement and leads

You probably know that getting more engagement on your content is the key to driving more readers to your blog and making them stay for longer periods of time. This means creating content that gets people talking about it. But how do you go from knowing this to actually being able to implement it in your own writing? It can be difficult at times, but here are a few tips on how to write content that gets you more engagement and leads. Engagement comes in many different forms. Some of it is visible, such as when someone comments on your blog post or shares it on social media. Other forms are less obvious, such as when your followers increase their engagement with you or when they leave comments or ratings for your posts. Regardless of how it happens, engaging your audience online is the best way to get them to come back for more. It also helps them feel like they’re contributing towards a bigger picture rather than being left out in the cold while reading through reams of dry boring text. To get started, take a look at these top tips on how to write content that gets you more engagement and leads.

Put your readers first

It may come as a surprise to some of you, but the number one way to get more engagement on your blog is by putting your readers first. This means keeping your content focused on what your audience wants to hear about. It’s not about telling them everything, but about showing them what’s important to them and what you’ve got to offer in terms of the solutions they’re looking for. When you put the audience first, they’ll be more likely to talk about your posts and share them with their friends. This not only gives you more exposure, but it also boosts your blog’s search engine optimization (SEO) score. This means more results for your posts, and it increases your chances of getting more views and shares on your posts as well.

Make your content easy to digest

As readers become more engaged with your content, they’re going to start to question your expertise. So if you’re writing about something you’re not that great at, it’s going to come across as less engaging and informative. You need to make it as easy as possible for your readers to get what they want out of your content. So for example, if you want to learn how to make a salad, start off your salad guide by providing a recipe. Easy peasy. Another tip is to structure your posts so that they’re easy to read. You don’t have to have a long-winded paragraph or a complicated, densely packed WordPress post, but your posts should be easy to follow and understand. This is especially important if your readers are on a computer or mobile device as they may not have the reading or comprehension skills to fully grasp your content if it’s too difficult for them.

Show, don’t just tell

Stated simply, people want to know more about you and your products. This is what leads to more engagement, and it’s the main reason why you need to show up for your readers. Your posts should not just contain facts and information, but also be a “show” rather than just a “tell.” People want to see and experience your products and your brand, so show them instead of telling them. By using visuals, infographics, photos, infobombs, and other media to help tell your story, you’re more likely to grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged with you. Another tip is to engage with your readers on social media. Not only do you get to know more about your readers, but you can also see what they’re interested in, what challenges they might be facing, and you can even hear what they have to say. You can also see what posts and comments users are making on your social media channels, which can lead you to notice patterns in your readers’ needs and preferences. This way, you can build content that’s most likely to engage your followers and make new ones.

Use storytelling to build relevance and trust

Trust is incredibly important when it comes to your blog and your brand. If people don’t trust you as a brand, then there’s almost no point in having one. That’s why you want to build trust with your audience through your blog posts by using storytelling. By telling a compelling story about your brand, products, and services, you can build a relationship with your readers for the long term. By using examples and narratives from your past posts and your personal life, your blog can become more than a blog. It can be more like a friend you trust and respect. Another tip is to “follow your leads.” This is where you literally follow the advice of your favorite bloggers. By looking at what they’re doing, you can see how you can achieve similar results. You can look at what steps they’re taking to get the most out of their blogging journey, and you can follow those steps accordingly.

Take the time to ask a few important questions

Asking your readers questions is a great way to build even more trust and build a relationship with them on a personal level. It gives you the opportunity to learn more about their problems, needs, and desires and build a relationship that lasts longer than just a one-off blog post. In order to get the most out of this approach, it’s important to set up a communication line with your readers. This can be a question-and-answer style blog post, where you ask your readers questions and get their thoughts on the matter. You can also look into audio and video blog platforms that are specifically made for building relationships with your followers. These platforms can provide you with a platform to grow your following in ways that are really, really difficult for other social media platforms to compete with.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your audience

Not only do you want to build a relationship with your readers, but you also want to make sure they know how you feel about issues they may be facing. This can be as simple as writing a comment on your blog post expressing your thoughts or even sending an email. By reaching out to your readers, you not only let them know you care, but you also let them know that you have their back and that you’re there for them when they need you. Another way to reach out to your audience is to join their social media groups and talk to other readers about their problems and challenges. By talking to other readers about your problems and challenges, you let them know that you’re on their side, and you also provide advice and support on a more personal level.


Engagement is the key to more readers turning into followers, followers turning into friends, and friends turning into advocates for your brand or products. It’s important to remember that the more engaged your readers are with your content, the easier it will be for them to share it and the more exposure they’ll get. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having more engagement and followers.

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